
IxLoad Desktop View

L4-7 performance testing for multiplay services, application delivery platforms, and network security appliances

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  • Offers the industry’s highest HTTP, SSL, and IPsec performance and scale
  • Delivers end-to-end testing of converged wireless and wired application delivery infrastructure and services
  • Provides real-time insight into QoE
  • Emulates fully integrated broadband network infrastructures with application traffic testing
  • Serves as the only test solution in the market that can model the dynamic nature of user behavior
  • Achieves seamless application performance validation across physical and virtual networks
  • Emulates a blend of real-world application traffic used on today’s networks (AppLibrary)

Measure the Quality of Experience of Real-Time, Business-Critical Applications With Converged Multiplay Service Emulations

Problem: Endangered Quality of Experience

In today’s highly competitive landscape, organizations must meet stringent network quality requirements to deliver the best customer experience. However, a widening array of multimedia applications, and an increasing number of users, is making it harder — and more expensive — than ever to validate converged multiplay services and application delivery platforms. Without a way to properly test these services, customer quality of experience is at risk.

Solution: A Highly Scalable and Easy-to-Use Solution for Testing and Validation

IxLoad delivers comprehensive performance testing for validating user quality of experience. IxLoad works by emulating web, video, voice, storage, VPN, wireless, infrastructure, and encapsulation/security protocols to create realistic scenarios. A modular system design allows IxLoad to scale with your infrastructure while real-time quality of experience metrics let you drill down to quickly identify network degradations and isolate breaking points. Since IxLoad is as easy to use as it is effective, you don’t have to be a protocol expert to achieve complete end-to-end service validation.

IxLoad screens diagram


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