상호운영성, 크기, 속도, 확장성

PXI 신호 생성기는 멀티채널 측정 기능, 측정 속도, 작은 설치 공간을 요하는 애플리케이션에 이상적입니다. 공유 프로세서, 섀시 및 기타 PXI 제품 - 모듈형 계측기 사용하여 테스트 시스템을 생성하는 데 필요한 확장성과 유연성을 제공합니다. 키사이트의 모듈러 PXI 신호 생성기는 제품 개발 주기 전반에 걸쳐 벤치형 신호 생성기로 측정 일관성을 얻을 수 있다는 추가적인 이점을 제공합니다.

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White Papers 2024.09.05

The Essential Signal Generator Guide Building a solid foundation in RF — Part 2

The Essential Signal Generator Guide Building a solid foundation in RF — Part 2

Navigating the numerous specifications and features of signal generators can be challenging. This white paper series helps by explaining various modulation schemes, the importance of spectral purity, and the impact of distortion. Additionally, it explores how application software can enhance productivity. Signal generators are essential for meeting customer requirements for robust and reliable high-speed wireless connections, which are crucial for business success. To address market demands, selecting the right signal generator is vital. Complex modulation schemes, necessary for increasing spectral efficiency and achieving higher data rates, rely on accurate and stable signal generators. Signal generators can be either digital (vector) or analog. Vector signal generators produce complex, digitally modulated signals, while analog signal generators produce continuous wave signals with basic modulation. The choice depends on the specific application and testing requirements. Generating an RF signal requires a metrology-grade signal generator with excellent distortion and spurious characteristics to ensure high spectral purity. The frequency accuracy of a signal generator depends on the stability of the reference oscillator and the time since the last calibration. Overall, signal generators are indispensable for evaluating applications that rely on radio frequencies, such as GNSS, 5G, avionics, and radar, ensuring reliable and efficient performance.


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