How to Test PCIe® 6.0 Transmitter Compliance

UXR-Series Oscilloscope
+ UXR-Series Oscilloscope

Testing PCIe 6.0 transmitter compliance with an oscilloscope and test automation software

Transmitter compliance testing to certify PCIe 6.0® devices requires an oscilloscope which can measure PAM4 signals up to 64 GT/s data rates from their device under test (DUT). Developers need to conduct physical-layer testing, data link layer testing, and general interoperability testing to reach PCI-SIG®-approved transmitter compliance using high-bandwidth oscilloscopes.

PCIe 6.0 transmitter compliance testing requires a >50 GHz oscilloscope with at least a 256 GSa/s sampling rate to test 64 GT/s signals. These tests also require automated compliance test software that can analyze PAM4 noise and jitter performance to accurately measure the signal from the DUT and confirm conformance to the PCI-SIG standard.

PCIe 6.0 transmitter compliance test solution

PCIe 6.0 transmitter compliance test solution

PCIe 6.0 devices require electrical performance verification with PCI-SIG transmitter compliance test specifications. The Keysight PCIe 6.0 transmitter compliance test solution includes the Keysight PCI Express validation license suite, advanced signal integrity software, jitter and noise analysis software, and pulse amplitude modulation analysis software. The software components all run on a high-bandwidth Keysight UXR-Series oscilloscope. These tools enable developers to automate compliance testing for PCIe 6.0 devices, which can identify and help debug any issues with the PAM4 signals transmitted from their device.

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