Accelerate RF Design Tasks From Hours to Minutes

Analyze RF and microwave circuits and systems with fast simulation and powerful optimization tools. Explore performance trade-offs with automatic circuit synthesis technology. PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys) provides entry-level functionality suitable for all RF and microwave circuit board and subsystem designers.

  • Simulate and build RF systems with real parts
  • Create high-performance circuits with synthesis models
  • Identify and fix circuit performance degradation
  • Convert ideal electrical designs to physical implementation
  • Automatically create custom filter topologies
  • Analyze, tune, and optimize designs with co-simulation
PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys)

Avoid Costly Mistakes Downstream

Identify RF design errors missed by traditional spreadsheet calculations with PathWave Circuit Design. With this entry-level design environment — including circuit, system, and electromagnetic simulators — you will gain confidence in your design reviews before hardware realization. Just a few mouse clicks and you can watch as your matching network is synthesized and optimized automatically. Then, transfer the design to PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) for inclusion into a more complex design.

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Want more information on PathWave RF Synthesis Products? View Configuration Guide

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