
  • Emulate a wide range of channel loss from approximately 4 to 26 dB with Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) traces for accurate and repeatable receiver characterization
  • Six traces with 1.85 mm connectors suitable for symbol rates up to 64 GBd (M8067A-001 and -002, each with three trace pairs per board)
  • Six traces with 1.0 mm connectors suitable for symbol rates up to 120 GBd (M8067A-003, -004, and -005, each with two trace pairs per board)
  • Small size, mechanical brackets for vertical and horizontal placement on test bench help to minimize electromagnetic susceptibility
  • Individual s-parameters download simplifies accurate embedding in test environment

Emulate channel loss for accurate and repeatable receiver characterization up to 64 GBd and 120 GBd.

The M8067A ISI channel boards can be used to emulate a wide range of channel loss for characterizing high-speed digital receivers that are used in server and datacenter network interfaces. The ISI channel boards are designed to be used to emulate channel loss for symbol rates up to 64 GBd and 120 GBd. A choice of twelve PC board traces with different lengths can be inserted into the signal path.

Target applications

  • Emulate channel loss for receiver tolerance testing for:
    • PCI Express 6.0 and 7.0 (64 and 128 GT/s)
    • OIF CEI-112G and - 224G electrical interfaces
    • IEEE 802.3ck and 802.3dj Ethernet backplanes, cable and chip-to-chip, chip-to-module interfaces

Key Specifications

Supported Data Rates
120 GBd
Line Coding
Number of Channels
Module Type
ISI Channel Boards
Supported Data Rates
Line Coding
Number of Channels
Module Type
120 GBd
ISI Channel Boards
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Line Coding:
Module Type:
ISI Channel Boards
Number of Channels:
Supported Data Rates:
120 GBd
ISI Channel Boards
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