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Coherent Pluggable Modules Test Solution
Keysight's complete solution for 400ZR module validation

Tailored to Validate Coherent Pluggable Modules
The S1205A solution is tailored to test transceivers with 50GAUI-1, 100GAUI-2, 200GAUI-4, and 400GAUI-8 client interfaces using coherent modulation up to 74Gbaud for the line side. For Instance, QSFP-DD pluggable modules can be tested against OIF 400ZR, IEEE 400GBASE-ZR, or 400ZR+ MSA specifications.
Complete Test Solution for 400ZR Pluggable Modules
Keysight S1205A is an exhaustive test solution for validating 400ZR pluggable covering following test:
- Optical transmitter test (EVM, carrier frequency offset I/Q and polarization skew, OSRN, Rin etc).
- Functional test (module PHY stress testing, CMIS test, diagnostic monitoring)
This solution is tailored for 400ZR multivendor interoperability testing and can be simplified for fully automated production testing.

Testing Upcoming 800ZR and 800LR Transceivers
Standardization activities of next-generation 800G coherent links are underway and suggest doubling the symbol rate to 120 GBd. Keysight already offers tools for designing and validating these technologies. For instance, combining the G800GE-02 and N4391B optical modulation analyzer enables you to test 400G and 800G coherent pluggable modules and components in C-band (800ZR) and O-band (800LR).
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