The Keysight InfiniiVision HD3 Series oscilloscope has four times the vertical resolution and half the noise of other general-purpose scopes, thanks to its 14-bit ADC and ultra-low noise front end. This enhanced performance allows you to analyze even the smallest signals in your designs with a high degree of accuracy.

Now you can extend your new HD3’s capabilities by choosing two free eligible software applications — up to a $5,500 USD value:

  • 100 MHz waveform generator: provide stimulus output of a variety of different waveform types to your device under test
  • Embedded protocol analysis: trigger on and decode common serial buses used for embedded and mixed-signal designs, including I²C, SPI, and RS232 / 422 / 485 / UART
  • Automotive analysis: trigger on and decode common serial buses used for power train and body control and monitoring, including CAN, CAN FD, CAN XL, LIN, and SENT
  • 100 Mpts per channel memory: capture signals over a longer period, without compromising sample rate
  • Enhanced security: apply more stringent security, including password protection and disabling non-volatile memory, USB and LAN ports, and firmware upgrades

Promotion period:
March 1 – September 30, 2025

Promotion code:

Applicable worldwide except Greater China, Israel, and countries with carriage and insurance paid (CIP) to incoterms.

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