RF 반송파 신호 발생 방법

PSG Analog Signal Generator
+ PSG Analog Signal Generator

Generating an RF carrier signal with a signal generator

Generating an RF carrier signal requires a metrology-grade signal generator with excellent distortion and spurious characteristics to ensure high spectral purity. The high-frequency waveform must have a low short-term drift in frequency and low phase noise. It must also be free of spurious and flicker noise. A common method of measuring spectral purity is to measure single-sideband phase noise in a 1 Hz bandwidth versus the offset from the carrier.

To set up the RF signal generator, select the frequency and amplitude from the front panel. The generator will typically operate in default mode. However, there are numerous options to tailor the signal’s performance, depending on the application. The option for low phase noise with a selectable frequency offset may be a priority in a narrow bandwidth communication. Select the signal-to-noise ratio optimization option to minimize the broadband noise.

E8257D PSG Analog Signal Generator

RF carrier signal source solution

Generating an RF carrier signal with the highest spectral purity requires a metrology-grade signal generator with excellent distortion and spurious characteristics. The Keysight PSG signal generator is an ideal solution for an RF carrier source with low phase noise. The frequency range extends to 67 GHz, and extender modules can generate up to 1.1 THz. With the option to output more than 30 dBm of output power, it is suitable for testing high-power devices and overcoming test system losses.

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