How to Simulate Interference for Automotive Radar Testing

Signal Analyzer
+ Signal Analyzer

Simulating a radar interference functional test in the lab

Assessing how interference sources negatively impact the functionality of an automotive radar sensor (the victim) requires a radar target simulator (RTS) to act as the main target vehicle. An arbitrary waveform generator acts as a versatile interference source and a signal analyzer monitors the interference signal’s characteristics. These characteristics include power level, bandwidth, and repetition rate. Simulated interference signals can vary from simple continuous wave (CW) and frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) chips to more complex ones such as phase-modulated continuous wave (PMCW), orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), or other custom modulations of choice.

During the test, engineers increase the power level of the interferer signals until the victim radar starts to operate abnormally. A trigger function synchronizes the signals between the victim and the interferers. To save time and labor, use automation software to run the tests repeatedly using multiple preprogrammed interferer signals and power levels. This test procedure complies with ETSI TS 103 567 on signal interferer handling.

Keysight automotive radar interference test solution

Automotive radar interference test solution

Mitigating interference issues affecting automotive radar module performance requires early functional testing in the lab. The Keysight radar target simulator enables the simulation of radar targets. The Keysight arbitrary waveform generator can inject various interference signals to stress test your radar module under test. Monitor your radar module's breaking point with a Keysight signal analyzer. This solution enables you to be future-ready for ETSI-level interference testing standards.

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