How to Perform 5G Private Network Site Survey

FieldFox Handheld Microwave Analyzer
+ FieldFox Handheld Microwave Analyzer

Verifying private 5G network deployment with physical layer and site acceptance tests

Deploying a private 5G network requires performing a site survey once network installation is complete. Operators need to verify the RF transmission chain of the base stations, as well as the end-to-end quality of service and ability to relay real traffic. Once the network is in production, a site survey detects any changes to the hardware configuration of the base station or identifies any existing problems, such as interference issues, coverage gaps, and security vulnerabilities. In the case of industrial private networks, it is essential to perform a site survey when there are any factory layout or machinery changes.

Conducting a site survey requires performing both physical layer and site acceptance tests. Operators can use a combination analyzer to perform interference hunting and cable and antenna tests on site. A handheld wireless network testing tool is necessary for site acceptance tests and indoor measurements. In addition, private 5G network site surveys may involve two-way active measurement protocol, data speed testing, electromagnetic field (EMF) measurements, indoor measurements, and 5G over-the-air (OTA) measurements.

FieldFox Nemo Handy and Nemo Outdoor

Private 5G network site survey solution

Performing private 5G network site survey tests requires handheld tools that capture physical layer signals over-the-air and perform site acceptance tests. Use Keysight FieldFox RF analyzer to measure electromagnetic field (EMF) and capture 5G over-the-air (OTA) signals. Pair it with Nemo Handy handheld measurement tools to execute two-way active measurement protocol and data speed testing at the site. Additionally, connecting FieldFox to Keysight Nemo Outdoor enables the generation of a load on the network when performing measurements using customer-premises equipment (CPE) as test devices.

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