How to Secure Critical IoT Deployments

IoT Security Assessment
+ IoT Security Assessment

Securing critical IoT deployments with device security testing and breach and attack simulation

Securing critical IoT deployments requires a solution that emulates cyberattacks to protect connected devices and the networks they communicate with. Safety, security, and continuity are paramount for organizations operating large fleets of mission-critical connected devices, such as healthcare and utilities. While device manufacturers are responsible for security fixes, operators need time to take vulnerable devices offline or replace them before they are compromised. Therefore, testing networks and devices against multi-stage attacks — including ransomware infections, lateral movement, phishing attempts, protocol fuzzing, and data exfiltration — is essential.

To harden IoT devices, use a device security test tool to subject them to low-level protocol fuzzing and upper-layer application attacks. Thoroughly test chipsets and network stacks to find flaws in Ethernet, Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth®, Bluetooth® Low Energy, CAN bus, and cellular interfaces. At the same time, network security teams must continuously assess firewalls, endpoint security, and SIEM tools to prevent configuration drift. Use a breach and attack simulation tool to emulate multi-stage network attacks, reveal gaps in coverage, and identify remediations. Otherwise, security tool updates can inadvertently cause blind spots or vulnerabilities.

IoT Security Assessment

IoT deployment security solution

Secure critical IoT deployments with automated security testing and breach and attack simulation. Emulate multi-stage cyberattacks, scan for vulnerabilities, and mitigate risk with an ever-expanding list of security assessments, audits, and test plans. Harden networks, protect connected devices, and stay ahead of emerging threats with Keysight Threat Simulator and IoT Security Assessment.

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