How to Test Product Lifecycle Management Platforms

Software Test
+ Software Test

Testing PLM platforms to meet quality and reliability standards

Product lifecycle management (PLM) platform testing requires a comprehensive test plan to ensure the software functions as intended. Creating PLM test plans begins with understanding the system's requirements and outlining the scope, objectives, test strategy, and resource allocation. PLM test plans include functional and non-functional test cases, as well as user acceptance and regression testing. PLM platforms run on custom business logic, so quality assurance (QA) testers must ensure the system continues to work after each upgrade of the PLM or modification to the business logic.

Because PLM platforms integrate with other systems across the IT ecosystem, such as ERP and CAD tools, QA teams must analyze how the entire system operates together. Before deployment, validate the PLM system in a staging or preproduction environment and later verify it in production. Testers should implement test automation where possible to reduce manual efforts and increase test coverage. Using a test automation software is a best practice to securely roll out software updates, new features, and security upgrades.

PLM platform testing solution

PLM platform testing solution

Automating PLM platform testing requires software test automation to accelerate intricate tasks and visually verify expected changes. Keysight Eggplant Test automation software uses advanced computer vision technology to understand the PLM system from the user's perspective. Testers can analyze the real user experience by reading text and images on the screen, such as forms, buttons, and other objects. Eggplant Test provides visual verification without manual intervention. Users can automate the testing of all business scenarios across the various integrated applications on the PLM platform. Eggplant Test simplifies the process of automating tasks, making it easy to recreate simple user interactions through the user interface (UI).

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Explore products in our PLM platform testing solution

Universal fusion engine

Identify, execute, and adapt tests automatically with Eggplant’s AI-powered engine to provide the fastest path to quality for your system under test.

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Model-based testing

Achieve full test coverage, streamline development, and predict how your application will behave under different conditions with model-based testing.

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Intelligent computer vision

Facilitate testing of complex user experience elements using Eggplant’s optical character recognition to identify text from images.

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