How to Test Power Consumption in IoT Devices

Spectrum Analyzer
+ Spectrum Analyzer

Reducing the noise floor to see the low-power signals

Using wireless communication technologies such as LoRa and Zigbee in today’s internet of things (IoT) devices, requires test systems that can measure the low power consumption as a key testing challenge to adhere to strict specifications for internal wireless connectivity validation, spectrum health, and power consumption verification. To satisfy the goal of measuring the very low power consumption of these devices, the test system needs to reduce the noise floor so that even very low-power signals can be observed and measured accurately.

The test system should be equipped with an internal preamplifier built into the spectrum analyzer to drop the noise floor significantly, in addition to an already reduced attenuator and resolution bandwidth (RBW). This makes it an ideal solution to measure the low-power signals in IoT devices and overcome technical challenges such as signal and power integrity issues, when validating low power consumption in wireless communications systems.

IoT Device-low power consumption

IoT device power consumption test solution

Measuring power consumption in modern IoT wireless communication devices requires test systems that reduce the noise floor to observe and measure very small signals. The Keysight N9322C basic spectrum analyzer (BSA) supports power measurement applications from 9 kHz to 20 GHz frequency ranges. This basic spectrum analyzer, combined with the PathWave X-App N9084EM0E IoT measurement application software, minimizes signal and power integrity challenges to measure low-power signals in IoT devices and adhere to power consumption specifications imposed by the standards.

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