How to Test Battery Performance in E-Mobility Vehicles

System Power Supply
+ System Power Supply

Testing e-mobility battery performance against various operational conditions

Testing battery performance in low-power e-mobility vehicles requires emulating the power source and catering to device power-up, idling, sudden acceleration, and other operating conditions. Test engineers must understand battery charge / discharge characteristics, battery performance under various load conditions, system electronics, and, most importantly, aging battery performance.

To understand the factors impacting battery life, test engineers need a power supply that provides seamless ranging capability for fast current measurement and compatible software. These capabilities reduce test times in multiple operating modes, such as profiler, emulation, charge / discharge, and cycler. The test engineer can also monitor the battery temperature in real time with a data acquisition system to gain insights into the performance of the device under test (DUT).

E-Mobility Power Solutions

E-mobility power test solution

Testing battery performance while protecting the DUT requires an advanced power supply and battery test and emulation software. The Keysight Advanced Power System and PathWave BenchVue advanced battery test and emulation software ensure accurate measurements. The solution offers multiple test modes, including battery profiling, DUT performance emulation, battery aging cycler test, and battery charging performance tests. It provides dynamic power and measurements, with built-in paralleling capability of up to 10 kW. BenchVue software helps achieve higher accuracy, repeatability, and safety with a unique emulation-based battery model.

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