How to Test a NTN Unmodified Device

Wireless Test Platform
+ Wireless Test Platform

Enabling channel emulation to test a NTN unmodified device

Non-terrestrial networks' (NTN) unmodified propriety requires enabling the connection of existing LTE and 5G devices to satellites without any modification or software updates in the user equipment (UE). Given that the UE is unmodified, the network is responsible for compensating for the effects of the orbit at the center of the cell. Finding the point where the UE's performance becomes compromised requires emulating these scenarios in the lab. Engineers need a solution to create the NTN unmodified, model these impairments, and enable key performance indicator (KPI) measurements.

Ensuring unmodified cellular UE functionality requires modifying the network to compensate for the satellite-related delays and distortions. To test UE without the support of NTN capabilities, engineers need a wireless test platform to enable the modified LTE base station emulation and compensate for the effects of delay and Doppler. A channel emulator is necessary to emulate the propagation conditions, including the low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites' rapidly changing Doppler and delay characteristics. The solution should enable channel characteristics modeling of the NTN unmodified technology and explore the performance limits under different conditions.

NTN unmodified device test solution

NTN unmodified device test solution

Ensuring unmodified cellular UE functionality requires modifying the network to compensate for the satellite-related delays and distortions. The Keysight NTN unmodified test solution enables testing in the lab under different conditions. The platform helps find where the UE performance starts getting compromised, enabling the modeling of these impairments and KPI measurements. The Keysight UXM 5G wireless test platform emulates the modified LTE base station by managing and compensating for the effects of delay and Doppler. The Keysight PROPSIM channel emulator emulates the propagation conditions, including the LEO satellites' rapidly changing Doppler and delay characteristics.

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