How to Perform Power Integrity Analysis

HD3-Series Oscilloscope
+ HD3-Series Oscilloscope

Ensuring clean power rails using a real-time oscilloscope

Analyzing power integrity requires making measurements such as power distribution network (PDN) impedance, power rail integrity, power sequencing, power supply rejection ratio (PSRR), and control loop response. Device designers face the challenge of providing clean power to devices such as automobiles, medical devices, and Internet of Things devices through a PDN that consists of passive components and interconnects. A well-designed PDN maintains a stable voltage from DC to the bandwidth of the switching current. It can help to optimize power consumption, minimize switching noise, reduce power supply-induced jitter, and minimize EMI problems.

Design engineers need a real-time oscilloscope and a power rail probe to measure multiple power rails at once, and to see the AC offset of the signal in better detail. A high-sensitivity current probe that can switch between a high-sensitivity and attenuated mode helps analyze battery consumption, while software helps analyze power rail noise sources and effects. Measuring at multiple temperatures helps pinpoint performance issues at temperature extremes.


Power integrity analysis solution

Solving power integrity challenges requires a measurement solution with a low-noise floor that can help you reduce the debugging and characterization time of electronic devices. The Keysight power integrity analysis solution features a precision Keysight HD3-Series real-time oscilloscope with a low-noise floor ideal for power rail analysis, a specialized Keysight power rail probe, a high-sensitivity current probe, and Keysight Power Integrity Analysis software. Our power integrity analysis solution lets engineers validate clean power delivery to devices and circuits, ensuring their products will not suffer from integrity challenges.

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