How to Maximize Power Amplifier Efficiency and Linearity

PNA-X Network Analyzer
+ PNA-X Network Analyzer

Maximizing power amplifier efficiency and linearity with a VNA

Maximizing power amplifier (PA) linearity, while maintaining efficiency, requires development of a digital predistortion (DPD) model. To provide optimal performance, the DPD technique needs wideband, calibrated vector signal generation and signal analysis.

Engineers use a vector signal generator and a vector network analyzer (VNA) with software-enabled wideband vector signal analysis capabilities to optimize PA efficiency and linearity on a single testbed. The VNA's multi-receiver architecture provides fully-calibrated signal generation at the PA input.

VNA 5G amplifier test solution

Power amplifier efficiency and linearity solution

Maximizing efficiency while maintaining linearity for PAs requires the use of DPD linearization. The Keysight PNA-X network analyzer and modulation distortion (MOD) software application deliver a configuration that results in exceptionally low residual error vector magnitude and reduces the number of test setups required to measure nonlinear distortion. Optimize PA performance by using vector-corrected EVM measurement data to develop DPD models on a single test setup. The IQ bandwidth software further allows the engineer to compare EVM measurements from the MOD software to a conventional EVM constellation on the VSA software platform. The Keysight PNA is the only VNA platform to provide fully error-corrected vector signal analysis.

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