How to Characterize the Signal Quality of a Transmission Channel

UXA Signal Analyzer
+ UXA Signal Analyzer

Measuring phase distortion to optimize transmission channel signal quality

Characterizing the quality of a transmission channel requires optimizing the amplitude flatness and phase distortion to maximize the signal quality at the receiver. A test system that can measure the phase distortion or group delay variation is needed. Phase distortion and group delay as are the most important characteristics that limit the bandwidth of the RF signal path and lead to distortion of the signal in the RF channel.

Optimizing the signal quality in a transmission channel requires a signal analyzer with signal analysis software to perform repeatable channel response measurements such as group delay. You need to measure the phase difference for the adjacent tones, after the signal passes through the device under test (DUT), to determine the group delay.

Self-discharge measurement system

Transmission channel signal quality test solution

Testing the quality of a transmission channel requires measuring phase distortion or group delay variation. The Keysight channel quality/group delay test solution comprises the N9042B UXA signal analyzers (spectrum analyzers) with N9056EM0E PathWave X-Series multi-touch application software. The solution enables testing at high frequencies and wide bandwidths up to 110 GHz frequency and 4 GHz analysis bandwidth, and provides repeatable channel response measurements, to target wideband components testing in satellite communications.

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