How to Capture Load Pull Effects on Beamforming

Keysight System Design
+ Phased Array Design Kit

Capture the effects of load pull

New phased array antennas accelerate beamforming changes, causing a strained load pull on RF driver amplifiers. Simulation software must model complex active impedance interactions of the power amplifier (PA) and phased array. Simulating complex PA and phased array interactions during design minimizes anechoic chamber testing in the prototype phase and accelerates first-pass success.

Communication system engineers use software to simulate RF systems. They build digital versions of phased array designs, taking into account the effects of load pull and active impedance. By evaluating performance virtually for large arrays in complex missions, including satellites and mobile communications, engineers can make changes safely before finalizing the design, reducing risk and costs.

Phased array design kit

Phased array design kit

Reduce testing in the anechoic chamber with Keysight’s prediction accuracy. The Keysight phased array design kit uses measurement and electromagnetic antenna pattern integration, element-to-element coupling, active impedance, and PA load-pull analysis to simplify the design process for phased array systems. Advanced analysis enables users to try different setups quickly. This agility helps them build beams, reveal key performance indicators, and account for issues like nonlinearity, RF mismatch, limited isolation, and antenna interactions.

See demo of array active impedance simulation and load-pull modeling

Explore products in our phased array design kit

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