How to Validate C-V2X Device Performance

5G Wireless Test Platform
+ 5G Wireless Test Platform

Setting up a C-V2X functional, protocol, and RF test

Validating cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) device performance requires a combination of application, functional, and protocol testing of its cellular network (Uu) and direct communication (PC5) interfaces. RF measurements on the transmitters (power, EVM, and ACLR) and receivers (sensitivity and adjacent channel selectivity) used in the Uu and PC5 wireless links are also required. Additionally, 3GPP Rel-14 C-V2X features like vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication through a PC5 interface over intelligent transportation system (ITS) bands must be tested.

Conducting the range of needed tests requires a wireless network emulator and signal generator for global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) emulation. C-V2X waveform generation and application layer testing software enables LTE radio resource control signaling for V2X, GNSS simulation, and modulation analysis. To test the ITS stack in a C-V2X device, ITS functional test software can be used to create and execute driving scenarios with different types of V2X messages.

C-V2X test solution

C-V2X test solution

Emulating a C-V2X signal is necessary for the comprehensive application, functional, protocol, and RF measurements on Release 14 C-V2X devices. The Keysight C-V2X test solution uses the Keysight UXM 5G wireless test set and Keysight MXG signal generator for GNSS emulation. It leverages the C-V2X application, can perform a suite of Keysight PathWave X-Series measurement applications for C-V2X RF measurements, and conducts ITS stack and application layer testing.

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