How to Analyze PCB Signal Integrity

UXR-Series Oscilloscope
+ UXR-Series Oscilloscope

Analyzing signal integrity via real-time eye diagrams with an oscilloscope

Reducing signal integrity risks in a high-speed digital PCB requires detection and diagnosis of crosstalk, jitter, vertical noise, and phase noise. Mitigating signal integrity issues starts with an EDA electromagnetic signal integrity simulation prior to PCB fabrication. A high-performance oscilloscope and advanced analysis software are connected to the DUT to capture and analyze real-time eye diagrams. The software correlates jitter to a real-time signal, so jitter can be traced to its component sources.

A high performance and advanced signal integrity analysis software are required to detect and quantify the presence of crosstalk, and to determine which aggressors are primarily responsible for signal degradation. Real-time eye diagram analysis software is important to identifying jitter and phase noise issues, which affect the horizontal spread of the eye. Vertical noise narrows the eye diagram opening.

signal Integrity measurement

Signal integrity analysis solution

Diagnosing signal integrity issues requires test engineers to analyze the eye diagram that provides a visual representation of the signal’s voltage levels and timing characteristics. The Keysight signal integrity measurement solution consists of a Keysight UXR-Series oscilloscope paired with Keysight Advanced Signal Integrity Software. This solution provides fast, accurate equalization, simulating decision feedback equalization (DFE), feed-forward equalization (FFE), and continuous time linear equalization (CTLE) modeling in real-time.

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