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802.11ad Testbed, Reference Solution
The 802.11ad testbed enables the generation and analysis of 802.11ad fully-coded PHY waveforms at baseband, IF, and millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies for complete device characterization.
Generate and analyze 802.11ad fully-coded PHY waveforms for complete component, subsystem, and system performance at baseband, IF, and mmWave. The base test equipment configuration supports frequencies up to 44 GHz for testing with a wide range of IFs. 60-GHz V-Band frequencies can be generated and analyzed with different upconverters and downconverters depending on application and performance requirements.
- Generate and analyze fully-coded 802.11ad waveforms with flexible parameter configuration
- Pre-correct waveforms for I/Q imbalances and overall channel response
- Supports many topologies for transmitter/receiver testing (IQ, IF, RF, microwave, mmWave)
- Independent reference to debug and validate hardware performance
- RF modulation bandwidths up to 2 GHz
- Frequency bands between 100 kHz and 44 GHz with base instruments
- Frequency bands between 55 and 90 GHz with extended mmWave configurations
Measurement applications and software
- 81199A Wideband Waveform Center software creates and analyzes 802.11ad waveforms
- SystemVue W1461BP Communications Architect and W1915EP MM-Wave WPAN Baseband Verification Library for early simulation of component and system-level performance
- 89600 VSA software to demodulate custom IQ and custom OFDM waveforms
Web Standard Configurations
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