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M8053A Interference Source, 64 GHz
64 GHz interference source for the M8050A BERT
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The Keysight M8053A interference source provides the bandwidth needed for 224 Gbps in data centers and future-generation testing for PCIe®. It supports random-level interference and sinusoidal-level interference simultaneously for optical receiver stress tests. Features include the following:
- Common mode and differential mode sinusoidal interference (CMSI, DMSI), two-tone bandwidth adjustable up to 64 GHz
- Two channels with 64 GHz bandwidth and differential outputs
- Adjustable amplitude up to 1.25 V s.e.
- 2-slot AXIe module for combined configurations with M8050A high-performance BERT
- Graphical user interface and remote control via Keysight M8070B system software for M8000 series of BER test solution
- Coupler pair for injecting the interference signal into a differential pattern stream
The target application is a receiver test for devices with 1.6T data center applications, future generations of PCIe, and other high-speed digital interfaces.
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