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D9050CEIC Electrical TX Test SW for OIF-CEI-112G-PAM4 (XSR/VSR/MR/LR)
Physical-layer electrical conformal testing of OIF-CEI-VSR-112G-PAM4 transmitter silicon and systems design using an Infiniium UXR-Series Oscilloscope
Starting from
OIF CEI-112G-PAM4 specifies a 112 Gb/s PAM4 electrical interface for use in the range 36 to 58 GBaud Data Center Interconnect systems. D9050CEIC is a Keysight UXR oscilloscope-based conformance test automation package for physical layer electrical validation and debug of CEI-112G-PAM4 designs.
Comprehensive measurement and debug solution
- Characterizes 112Gbps OIF-CEI XSR, VSR, MR and LR reaches of the Common Electrical Interface specification.
- Performs nearly 140 tests
- Key measurement includes 120 edge Output Jitter (Jnu, JRMS, EOJ), SNDR & Eye-opening (EH, EW, VEC)
Flexible and extensible
- Operates on a UXR oscilloscope
- Automatic HTML report generation
- Test all or selected parameters to compliance limits or custom limits
- UXR product series operating at and above 50GHz:
- 50 GHz: UXR0502A, UXR0504A
- 59 GHz: UXR0592A, UXR0592AP, UXR0594A, UXR0594AP
- 70 GHz: UXR0702A, UXR0702AP, UXR0704AP
- 80 GHz: UXR0802A, UXR0804A
- 100 GHz: UXR1002A, UXR1004A, UXR1102A, UXR1104A
The Keysight D9050CEIC TX test application can be used with Infiniium UXR-Series Oscilloscopes to quickly and accurately perform electrical (physical layer) conformance measurements in accordance with:
- CEI-112G-XSR-PAM4, CEI-112G-VSR-PAM4, CEI-112G-LR-PAM4, CEI-112G-MR-PAM4 36.0 to 58.0 GBaud Phy Validation.
- CEI-112G-XSR, -VSR, -MR, and -LR are variable rate electrical bus standards operating flexibly from 72 - 116Gbps. The four primary reaches are Long Reach (LR), Medium Reach (MR), Very Short Reach (VSR) and Extra Short Reach (XSR). These all have similar IEEE 802.3ck clauses and track those test requirements for 100Gb/s, 200 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Operation.
The D9050CEIC application simplifies complex 112Gbps OIF CEI transmitter physical layer measurements:
- Performs automated adaptive Reference Receiver auto-tune operations
- Evaluates Signal-to-Noise Distortion Ratio and Jitter calculations
- Saves time in understanding details of standards
- Reduces the time it takes to characterize your PAM4 design from hours to minutes
- Helps debug your device using custom configurations
- Allows you to quickly generate HTML reports that summarize the performance of your device
Key measurements include:
- Jitter Measurements including Jnu, JRMS, and EOJ on “12-edges” of a PRBS13Q
- Output Waveform measurements including Steady-State Voltage (Vf), Linear Fit Pulse Peak and Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion (SNDR)
- Transition Time
- Eye Width, Eye Height & Vertical Eye Closure
- Effective Return Loss
For a comprehensive and up-to-date list of specific tests covered by the application, download and install the D9050CEIC free time trial onto a UXR instrument.
Free Trials
Get a 30-day trial license for D9050CEIC. The D9050CEIC MultiScope application is enabled with a license file on the computer running the N8900A Infiniium Offline oscilloscope analysis software, so there are no setup files to download and install.
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