11923A Connectors

Technical Overviews

Flexible micro-circuit packaging


The Keysight Technologies, Inc. 11923A 1.0 mm female-connector launch threads into a package or fixture housing to transition a microwave circuit from microstrip to coaxial connector. The 11923A connector launch is intended for use with 8510XF and other test systems up to 110 GHz. The 11923A 1.0 mm female connector has an air dielectric interface and center conductor that is supported by a low-loss plastic bead on one end, and a glass-to-metal seal interface on the other end. This interface consists of a 0.162 mm diameter pin that extends inside the package or fixture for connection onto a microwave circuit.


The Keysight 11923A is preassembled and supplied with a machining detail for mounting the launch and assembly instructions (see Figure 1). The user is responsible for making the connection onto the circuit card, machining the package, and installing the connector. If a quasi-hermetic seal is desired, epoxy may be applied to threads of the launch prior to installation. The procedure describing the necessary dimensions for the package and installation is provided with the launch assembly.