M1740A mmWave Transceiver for 5G

Data Sheets


mmWave Transceiver for 5G

Reduce Path Loss at mmWave with Multi-Band Remote Radio Head

Keysight’s multi-band M1740A remote radio head (RRH) enables users to confidently test over-the-air (OTA) in millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands, including 24, 28, 39, and 40 GHz bands. The M1740A uniquely supports bi-directional testing across four mmWave frequency bands with a single hardware set. Verify transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) performance of 5G RFFEs, base stations, chipsets, and devices including UE power class 1 fixed wireless access (FWA) devices such as customer-premises equipment (CPE) using stimulus and analysis provided by one of several Keysight platforms.

Versatile 5G Solutions to Reduce Test Time and Achieve More Consistent Results The M1740A RRH with accompanying platforms lets you flexibly analyze mmWave 5G performance with and without signaling. Improve time to market by finding and resolving issues early in the product life cycle. Reduce development and test time by accessing consistent results from Keysight’s common measurement algorithms.

Performance Characteristics


Specification (spec)

Specifications are warranted for a calibrated instrument that has been stored for a minimum of two hours within the operating temperature range and after a two-hour warm up period. Specifications are valid from 20 to 35 °C unless otherwise noted.

Typical (typ)

The characteristic performance, that 95 percent of the units exhibit with a 95 percent confidence level. This data, shown in italics, is not warranted, does not include measurement uncertainty, and is only valid at room temperature (23 ± 5 °C).

Nominal (nom)

The mean or average characteristic performance, or the value of an attribute determined by design. This data is not warranted and measured at room temperature (23 ± 5 °C).

Measured (meas)

An attribute measured during development for purposes of communicating the expected performance. This data is not warranted and measured at room temperature (23 ± 5 °C).


The specifications in this document apply to a single M1740A RRH. The RRH must be used as a

component in a mmWave 5G solution connected to one of the following platforms:

  • E6640A EXM Wireless Test Set with E7770A common interface unit (CIU)
  • E7515B UXM 5G Wireless Test Platform with E7770A CIU
  • E7760B Wideband Transceiver
  • M9410A or M9411A VXT PXI Vector Transceiver with E7770A CIU
  • PROPSIM 5G Channel Emulation Solution with E7770A CIU
  • S9100A or S9101A 5G Multi-Band Transceiver

These platforms are designed to use the appropriate intermediate frequency (IF) ranges and power

levels, local oscillator (LO) ranges and power levels, and DC power and control information.