KS8000B PathWave Test Automation Built on OpenTAP®

Technical Overviews

 The KS8000B PathWave Test Automation Deployment System provides a base set of test sequencing capabilities to deploy with your manufacturing test solutions, to embedded in shipping products or to integrate into higher level test executives. PathWave Test Automation is built on OpenTAP®, a modern, Microsoft .NET platform that can be employed stand-alone or in combination with higher-level test executive software environments through native C#, Python, or RESTful APIs.

PathWave Test Automation leverages C# and the power of visual IDEs such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Code, or JetBrains Rider, but is not another programming language. Rather, it’s a platform for building rich test solutions and maximizing productivity with existing software development tools and infrastructure.

KS8000B provides a subset of the KS8400B PathWave Test Automation Developers System capabilities, optimized for the deployment phase of product lifecycles. It supports core test automation functionality through .NET, Python, or REST APIs without the graphical user interface (GUI), Results Viewer, or Timing Analyzer features present in the KS8400B system.


Fast Execution

The OpenTAP core engine is designed for speed-optimized execution

Execution interfaces

A command line interface (CLI) is provided for integration with other manufacturing applications, as is a full Application Programing Interface (API) in .NET, Python, and REST to efficiently integrate, add-on and customize with unlimited possibilities.

Modular “plugin” software architecture

Test steps, instrument/DUT (device under test) interfaces, and result storage are architected as plugins. You can build unique test solutions quickly using the provided plugins. See Figure 1.

Microsoft .NET and Python test step development

OpenTAP makes it easy to implement new test steps and plugins leveraging Microsoft Visual Studio and .NET or Python.

Multiple deployment environments

The KS8000B supports deployment on Windows and Linux systems.

Key Applications

Test automation for:

• Wireless communication devices and components

• Automotive electronics

• Power electronics

• Digital and photonics devices

• Aerospace and defense systems

Key Benefits

PathWave Test Automation is designed to make your test software development simpler, faster and scalable as your needs evolve.


Why develop your own test sequencer when the OpenTAP core engine and user interface make it easy for beginning and experienced programmers to quickly develop customized test sequences? Experienced programmers will appreciate the OpenTAP command line interface and easy integration with a variety of programming languages. Regardless of your programming skill level, you’ll find OpenTAP keeps things simple.


The OpenTAP modular plugin architecture is centered around a lightweight core sequencing engine. Additional tools and plugins are provided with the KS8400B PathWave Test Automation Developer’s System to help scale your test software to meet your specific requirements – Timing Analyzer, Result Viewer, GUI. Documentation is also provided to help you develop your own plugins that further extend OpenTAP capabilities, including interfacing with a wide variety of device handlers, measurement and signal generation hardware.


Speed can be measured a few different ways — fast test software development, fast test execution and fast test optimization. OpenTAP is designed to speed all three. It’s simple to get up-and-running, and tools like the OpenTAP Timing Analyzer (provided with the KS8700B and KS800B) help you speed up test plan execution.

Core Sequencing Engine

The Core Sequencing Engine is the “heart” of OpenTAP, designed from its inception for speed-optimized test step execution. Test plans can include simple flow operations such as IF and LOOP. Complex hardware setups and parallel test are also supported.

The OpenTAP Engine (OpenTAP.dll) is the core component in the software. It includes

a plugin manager that finds and handles plugins (test steps, DUT and Instrument interfaces, etc.). It also controls test plan execution (list of test steps) and provides access to functionality offered by the plugins. This covers logging functionality, result handling (database), instrument communication (user-developed hardware drivers, for example).

The OpenTAP Engine also includes an API for controlling OpenTAP from an external application, such as a 3rd party program, the OpenTAP GUI, or the OpenTAP Command Line Interface (CLI).

Command Line Interface

A command line interface (CLI) is provided for integration with other manufacturing applications and workflows, facilitating precise control of the test automation workflow and enabling command-based integration with other test automation software.