CWDM and LWDM Components Wavelength and Polarization Test

Application Notes

O-Band WDM


Increased demand for fiberoptic transmission bandwidth over distances that do not require optical amplification repeaters, such as within and among data centers or within about 10 km, are driving the use of wavelength domain multiplexing (WDM) over the full wavelength range of single-mode fiber and especially in the range 1260 – 1360 nm, known as O-band.




One convention, coarse wavelength domain multiplexing (CWDM), was developed to support many wavelength channels over unamplified links, by spreading the channels over the full usable range of SSMF with wide passbands so that the wavelengths of the transmitters do not need to be set and stabilized to a narrow tolerance. CWDM uses a grid based on 20 nm spacing, using channels centered between 1271 nm and 1611 nm. Not every link uses the full wavelength range. For example, CWDM4 transceivers use 4 channels at 1271, 1291, 1311 and 1331 nm. The transceivers include wavelength filter components to multiplex the outgoing channels onto one fiber and to demultiplex the incoming signals to separate photodetectors.