PNA-L Series Microwave Network Analyzers


Future-proof your microwave component testing

All members of the PNA family share a common software platform that makes it easy to choose just the right level of performance to match your budget and measurement needs. This commonality guarantees measurement consistency and repeatability and a common remote-programming interface across multiple instruments in R&D and manufacturing. All of the powerful PNA software applications can be added later to meet future test requirements.

Passive and Active Device Test at Affordable Prices

The Keysight PNA-L is designed for your general-purpose network analysis needs and priced for your budget. With the same core firmware as the PNA, the PNA-L offers the perfect balance of value and performance. The PNA-L provides efficiency and flexibility in both manufacturing and R&D applications, for industries ranging from mobile telecom and wireless-LAN component production to aerospace and defense.

Balanced / differential components

For passive devices that have one or more balanced/differential ports, the PNA-L is an excellent choice for mixed-mode S-parameter measurements, without the need or limitations of using baluns.

  • Display differential-, common-, and mixed-mode performance, in a variety of trace formats
  • Measurement parameters include common-mode-rejection ratio and amplitude and phase imbalance
  • Supported port configurations include single-ended-to-balanced and balanced-to balanced topologies

Innovative Applications

Powerful measurement setup assistance, Device Measurement eXpert (DMX) (S94601B / S94602B)

Measurement challenges

  • Inexperienced users find it difficult to setup complex measurements
  • PNA is so flexible/capable that the users need to have a lot of knowledge/experience to optimally set up the measurement
  • When making a number of different measurements for active devices (noise figure, gain compression, IMD…), there are many common settings that the users have to repeatedly configure for each measurement
  • The users need to know the limits of the instrument performance as well as the operating conditions of their DUTs to set up measurements in a safe and optimal manner

Device Expert and S94601B DMX (Device Measurement eXpert) application

  • Helps the users to set up the measurements automatically based on selected DUT. Device Expert, included with the base PNA software, provides three DUT types: low noise amplifier, mixer, and bandpass filter. The S94601B DMX provides many more DUT types than the built-in Device Expert. Once a DUT is selected the measurements and parameters configured in the template are listed. The users can modify the measurements and parameters using S94601B DMX or the DMX template editor.
  • Assists the users in consistently configuring measurement settings throughout the design and test workflow by using a common template
  • Allows the users to create customized templates for their measurement needs.
  • Provides intelligent algorithms that optimize measurement setups based on instrument and DUT performance limitations, protecting both the DUT and the instrument.