Tested PC and PXI/AXIe Chassis Configurations

Technical Overviews

This personal computer and controller technical note provide the test system designer with a list of tested computers that are compatible with Keysight Technologies, Inc. PXI and AXIe chassis. The computers are compatible with both PXI and AXIe chassis, unless otherwise noted. The testing in this guide covers the PCIe® link and enumeration of the chassis. Compatibility can be impacted by many factors including computer BIOS and signal path within the computer and cable.


Keysight Technologies modular chassis tested

  • M9010A PXIe Chassis
  • M9019A PXIe Chassis
  • M9046A PXIe Chassis
  • M9502A AXIe Chassis
  • M9505A AXIe Chassis
  • M9506A AXIe Chassis


Personal computing devices tested

  • Desktop PCs
  • Rackmounted PCs
  • Laptops and PCs with Thunderbolt (TBT) adapters for M9025A and M9506A
  • PXI/AXIe embedded PC controllers

Tested Configurations

  • Desktop/rackmounted PCs used an appropriate system module:
    • M9010A, M9019A, and M9046A PXIe chassis were tested utilizing a mixture of M9022A, M9023A, M9024A, M9025A PXIe system modules.
    • M9502A, M9505A, and M9506A AXIe chassis were tested with the embedded system module.

  • Testing used Keysight-recommended PCIe host cable card installed in the PC:
    • Chassis used a mixture of M9048B and M9049A PCIe host adapters and Y1202A PCIe cables to M9022A, M9023A, M9024A, and M9025A system modules.
  • Desktop testing was performed with only a graphics card in its standard slot. This applies to desktop and rackmounted personal computers only. In some cases, the graphics card must also be removed (see Comments column of each spreadsheet).
  • Both star and daisy-chain configurations were used for multi-chassis testing. Keysight does not recommend a mixed configuration utilizing both star and daisy-chain.
  • Tested with Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64-bit unless otherwise documented in the Comments column of each spreadsheet.

Windows and BIOS Settings
Many customers may be new to modular instrument systems and should check their systems configurations to be sure that:

  • All sleep and hibernation modes are disabled. A PC unexpectedly going to sleep in the middle of an extended measurement is not normally desired.
  • Windows fast startup is disabled. Having fast startup enabled will typically be problematic in reconfiguring larger multi-chassis systems but disabling is generally recommended also.
  • Active State Power Management (ASPM) is disabled in both the BIOS and Windows.
  • For best results, multi-chassis configurations may need to be “built up” by adding a single chassis at a time and rebooting – or even a chassis and just a subset of its cards at a time with some PCs. It is generally not recommended to add multiple chassis at one time to “build up” a configuration even though it may work for some PCs.
  • With the Dolphin MXH932/MXP924 Gen4 cable system, an additional Windows restart or two may be required for Keysight Connection Expert (KCE) to display chassis correctly. Also, full chassis power cycle may be needed to get proper (solid green LED) cable links.
  • KCE chassis view displays may be inaccurate due to complexity of hot plugging with Thunderbolt (TBT) connections usage (ie.M9025A and M9506A usage).
  • Refer to http://www.keysight.com/find/PXIAXIePCBIOSandWindowsSettings for more detailed Windows and BIOS settings.

Additional Notes

  • PC BIOS are always continually evolving. BIOS versions listed below may not be the latest version available out there. If you are using a later version than what is listed and things are not enumerating correctly, Keysight recommends you downgrade to the version that was tested from the list below.
  • For multi-chassis configurations, it is recommended to use at least 32GB of RAM with additional memory DIMM size and socket placement to maximize memory bandwidth. Refer to memory utilization in Task Manager to determine if you need more DRAM and add more if needed.
  • Keysight cannot guarantee system enumeration for computers that are not listed below.
  • Review http://www.keysight.com/find/ResolvePXIAXIeComProblems if you experience enumeration issues with your system.
  • For the most current version of this document, please refer to http://www.keysight.com/find/PXIAXIeTestedPC