System Spares On-site Agreement


Uptime in No Time

Unplanned downtime poses a challenge to business continuity that is almost beyond calculation.

Our NEW Keysight System Spares Onsite Agreement provides you peace of mind if your test system does break down. You have the confidence of knowing you have immediate access to spare parts at your site, whenever you need them.

Cut Costs, Improve Uptime

Keysight Technologies, Inc. System Spares Onsite Agreement is flexible, affordable, and tailored to meet your ultimate system uptime needs.

It is designed to supplement our Cooperative and Onsite Support Agreements, to offer you the following benefits so your test system can get up and running quickly.

  • Minimize inventory set-up costs
  • Access a spare parts kit right at your site, whenever you need it
  • Eliminate parts delivery time
  • Accelerate repair time

Instant Access, Fast Resolution

With Keysight System Spares Onsite Agreement, we will:

  • Identify the parts usage trend specific to your site
  • Consign a spare parts kit to your site for the duration of your agreement with us
  • Assign an Keysight qualified engineer to perform the initial onsite set-up
  • Provide consultation to your users to manage the spare parts kit effectively
  • Partner with you to perform an annual audit to maintain the integrity of your spare parts kit
  • Give you the option to buy out the spare parts kit after the first year of the agreement at a special price