Performance You Can Count on for Your Signal Conditioning Needs
Keysight RF & Microwave Attenuators
Keysight Technologies, Inc. coaxial fixed and step attenuators are designed for use in a wide variety of signal conditioning and level control applications. Attenuators are generally used to reduce signal levels, improve matching impedances of sources and loads, and measure the gain or loss of two-port devices.
Keysight coaxial fixed attenuators provide precise attenuation, flat frequency response and low SWR over broad frequency range. These attenuators are available in nominal attenuations of 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 dB to cater to various applications and setups.
Manual Step Attenuators
Keysight manual step attenuators offer fast, precise signal-level control up to 26.5 GHz. Unmatched attenuation repeatability of less than 0.03 dB up to 5 million cycles per section ensures low measurement uncertainty. Attenuation range of 121 dB in 1 dB step can be achieved by cascading 2 attenuators in series.
Programmable Step Attenuators
Keysight programmable step attenuators offer fast, precise signal-level control up to 50 GHz, with switching time of less than 20 ms. Unmatched attenuation repeatability of less than 0.03 dB up to 5 million cycles per section ensures low measurement uncertainty and reduces calibration cycles when installed into test systems. Automatic GPIB/USB/LAN drive control is achieved with the 11713B/C attenuator/switch driver.
Attenuator Sets
Sets of four coaxial fixed attenuators with attenuations of 3, 6, 10 and 20 dB are provided in a walnut accessory case. These sets are ideal for calibration labs or where precise knowledge of attenuation and SWR is desired.
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