85331B/85332B Solid State Switches

Technical Overviews

 Key Features

• Maximizes your operating frequency range from 45 MHz up to 50 GHz

• Minimizes cross-talk with a high port-to-port isolation of above 90 dB

• Increases your switching speed, typically less than 1 μs, suitable for high speed applications


The Keysight Technologies, Inc. 85331B and 85332B are absorptive PIN diode solid state switches which provide superior performance in terms of high isolation and fast switching speed across a broad operating frequency range. The absorptive solid state switches are designed for high frequency, single- SP2T/SP4T operation and are extremely useful for applications in instrumentation, communications, radar, and many other test systems that require high speed RF & microwave switching.

The absorptive characteristic of the switches, provide a good impedance match, which is key to achieving accurate measurements.

Each output port has a PIN diode in series. The DC bias is used to turn on and off the pin diode depending on which port to select. There are some PIN diodes that shunt to ground in RF path, to improve the isolation of the switches.

Far-field antenna measurements

These products are ideally suited for antennas with multiple test ports, or applications that require measuring the co- and cross-polarization. One PIN switch can switch transmit polarization, and a second PIN switch can switch between the separate test ports of the antenna. With this technique, the co- and cross-polarization response of each test port can be measured in one rotation of the antenna.

Near-field antenna measurements

For near-field applications, both the co- and cross-polarized response of an antenna can be measured at multiple frequencies in a single scan across the antenna. For the dual polarized response, a PIN switch can be used to rapidly switch between the two probe polarizations.

Radar cross-section measurements

For Radar cross-section (RCS) applications, the ability to rapidly switch transmit and receive polarization allows full polarimetric RCS measurements to be made quickly and easily.

Complex switch configurations

Complex PIN switch trees with multiple outputs can be easily configured. Figure 2 shows conceptually how multiple PIN switches can be configured. Configurations such as these are used in making phased-array antenna measurements.