Automotive SerDes Transmit Test

Data Sheets

Test, Debug and Characterize 


High-speed serializer/deserializers (SerDes) help transport data streams, making the in-vehicle video, audio, and communication possible. The high bandwidth, reliability, and performance of the SerDes serial links are key requirements in the automotive applications that enable advanced infotainment and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) in modern vehicles. The tests performed by the AE2010T software includes verification test of SerDes based protocols, including MIPI A-PHY and ASA. The application covers crucial measurements such as frequency, distortion, jitter, and droop, as well as MDI Return Loss. The test application offers a user-friendly setup wizard and a comprehensive report that includes margin analysis.


Requirements for interoperability 


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), connected cars and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are transforming vehicles. Many new features are delivered through a mix of sensors, cameras, and networks that require faster data rates with each iteration.


Many in-vehicle camera and displays are already connected to ECUs via a SerDes connection. With the introduction of MIPI A-PHY and Automotive SerDes Alliance (ASA), the chipsets can be implemented by multiple silicon vendors, which means interoperability becomes a critical requirement. 


Many in-vehicle camera and displays are already connected to ECUs via a SerDes connection. With the introduction of MIPI A-PHY and Automotive SerDes Alliance (ASA), the chipsets can be implemented by multiple silicon vendors, which means interoperability becomes a critical requirement. 


Comprehensive Test Coverage


Using the AE2010T software greatly simplifies testing with the following features.


• Automatic configuration of all the required test equipment, reducing overall test time.

• Execution speed and proven test algorithm which minimizes test time.

• Wide range of tests for standards conformance of MIPI A-PHY and ASA, saving the hassle of multiple installations and licenses while reducing cost.

• Be confident in the test setup, with setup instructions and calibration cues for all required test equipment.

• Trust the results, accurate and repeatable results with Keysight oscilloscopes. 

• Test framework that reports multi trial results with full array of statistics for each measurement with worst case measurement result.

• Detailed information on each test that ran in case you need to follow up and debug.


The Keysight AE2010T Automotive SerDes Transmitter Test Application lets you automatically configure the oscilloscope for each test and provides informative test results which includes margin and statistical analysis. The test signals are designed to facilitate accurate, repeatable tests by all implementers.


The AE2010T software performs a wide range of electrical tests required to meet the current Automotive SerDes specifications all in one installation. The application helps you execute a wide subset of the conformance tests performed with a variety of Keysight equipment.


The AE2010T Automotive SerDes Transmitter Test Application allows you to select the reference specification and the test plan depending on the selected specification and currently supports the following data rates and standards: 




• Proprietary standards as available