5 Ways To Maximize the Value of Security and Monitoring Tools

White Papers

Deriving More Value from Your Tool Investments

Return on investment (ROI) is an important factor for new technology purchase decisions. However, having invested in many security and monitoring tools, what is the best way to maximize the value of your tools? Cost avoidance for new tool purchases is one way for IT to maximize this ROI and make your security and monitoring solutions stronger.

One way is to use the tool beyond its useful life. Another option is to place strict limits on tool usage and access which creates its own set of inefficiencies. A third option is to implement a visibility architecture to optimize data flows across your monitoring tools. This last option allows you to realize efficiency and performance benefits from architectural changes and incremental purchases. It can dramatically increase the usable life, and by association the ROI, of your monitoring and security tool(s).

It is important to understand the difference between cost elimination and cost avoidance though. Cost elimination means you decide not to make a purchase. This has an obvious financial benefit — no budgetary costs. However, technology is rapidly changing and a usable life of 3 years or less for equipment is the norm.