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PathWave Signal Generation
Signal creation for a wide range of general purpose or standards-based signals
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Comprehensive PC-based software for flexible signal creation. Cellular, wireless connectivity, aerospace/defense, broadcasting and general purpose applications. Supports a wide variety of signal generation hardware.
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Frequently Asked Questions - PathWave Signal Generation Software
What is Signal Generation (Signal Studio) Software?
Signal generator software, or signal creation software, that runs on a PC or embedded in a signal generator. It enables the creation of application specific test signals at baseband, RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies.
What is Signal Generator Software used for?
Signal generator software creates custom test signals or signals specific to application-based standards for signal generators.
What instruments can use Signal Generation Software?
Signal generator software creates generated waveforms for download into various signal generators like Keysight’s high-performance signal generators.
What signals can you create with Signal Generation Software?
Signal generation software provides a broad range of signals from custom signals to application-based signals. Modulation capabilities vary from general-purpose AM, FM, and digital I/Q, to standard specific signal formats such as GSM, W-CDMA, HSPA, LTE, LTE-Advanced, GPS, and WLAN.
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