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Protocol Analyzers and Exercisers Software
Complete protocol test solutions for most efficient design verification

Keysight protocol analyzers and exercisers test software completes your protocol test solution and guarantees the most efficient root cause analysis while reducing development time.
The P5500 traffic analysis applications enable advanced and automated verification and debugging of semiconductors, software, and systems
that use serial protocol standards, such as PCI Express (PCIe) 1 to 6 and
Compute Express Link (CXL) 1.1 and 2.0.
The P5500 software combines both analyzer and exerciser functionality into one easy-to-use GUI. This, combined with the vast feature sets of the Keysight protocol analyzers and exercisers, completes all demands of CXL and PCIe protocol testing in one simple and user-friendly interface. Different viewing capabilities, powerful triggers, and filters of the analyzer as well as debugging and error injection of the exerciser, make the P5500 traffic analysis software a tool that is second to none.
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