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Infiniium V‑Series Oscilloscopes
Keysight is #1 in Oscilloscopes
(Source: Frost & Sullivan Oct 2020)
Groundbreaking Oscilloscope Technology for the Highest Measurement Accuracy
Whether deploying emerging high-speed bus technology, identifying the spectral content of wideband RF signals, or analyzing transient physical phenomena, you need the truest representation of your signal under test. Keysight invests in leading-edge technology to bring you the highest real-time oscilloscope measurement accuracy. Keysight uses a proprietary indium phosphide (InP) integrated circuit process to design the key technology blocks to deliver high-bandwidth performance, ultra-low noise, low jitter, and high-voltage signal input. The InP process lets you see your true signal and make the most accurate measurements.
- Achieve next-generation technology breakthroughs with up to 33 GHz of real-time bandwidth.
- Enable higher modulation standards with a superior ENOB (effective number of bits) performance.
- Use 16 digital channels and four analog channels with our mixed-signal oscilloscope models.
- Achieve maximize eye height measurements with low noise contribution from the oscilloscope.
- See the true jitter performance of your design with only 100 fs of oscilloscope intrinsic jitter.
- Take advantage of 160-bit hardware serial trigger with up to 12.5 Gb/s data rate.
- Gain better access to your signal under test with a full 30 GHz probing system and flexible options.
PathWave BenchVue Oscilloscopes Software
Intuitively control your oscilloscopes, capture screen images, and log data measurements for more efficient analysis.
- Connect and control your oscilloscopes through the cloud.
- Export results in only three clicks to popular tools, such as MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, or Word for documentation or further analysis.
- Visualize multiple types of instrument measurements simultaneously.
- Create automated test sequences quickly with minimal instrument knowledge.
- Receive KeysightCare software support subscription and license with each new instrument purchase.
Key Specifications
Up to 33 GHz
4 analog
Max Memory Depth
2 Gpts
Sample Rate
80 GSa/s
ADC Bits
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Testing Challenges for Next-Generation Technologies
Infiniium Series oscilloscopes are used extensively in the compliance testing of various standards, including PCI, USB, and DDR. Download these white papers to learn more about the challenges associated with testing these latest standards.

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