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U5040BSCB Open RAN Studio for O-RU Testing and Validation
Open RAN Studio includes powerful O-RAN focused tools to construct, play, capture, and measure O-RAN traffic over Ethernet fronthaul interfaces. Optional extraction of IQ vectors enables modulation analysis with Keysight 89600 VSA software.
Starting from
- Support for split option 7.2x (O-RU categories A & B), compliant stimulus generation and response analysis, as well as measurement of O-RAN traffic over 10 Gbps / 25 Gbps /50 Gbps (fronthaul) Ethernet interfaces
- Fully automated generation of Ethernet based O-RAN Control, User, Management and Synchronization-plane messages with eCPRI transport encapsulation types compliant with ORAN-WG4.CUS.0-v13.00 and O-RAN.WG4.MP.0-R003-v13.00
- Out of the box integration with Keysight’s signal generation as well as VSA software for 5G NR and LTE standards.
- Quick configuration and generation of 5G NR and LTE single or multi-carrier compliant FDD and TDD waveforms
- Real-time FrameID generation and CRC Calculation
- Analysis of both FR1 and FR2 radio downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) paths
- Configuration of O-RAN Sections types and Section Extensions
- Support for Beamforming
- Support for M-plane configuration
- Capture and accurate timestamping of O-RAN responses
- Visualization and full decoding of O-RAN traces with flow-based filtering
Open RAN Studio enables stimulus signal creation with easy capture, extraction, and export of IQ vectors – for advanced modulation analysis of received RF / mmWave signals to test O-RU performance. When combined with Keysight spectrum analyzers and signal sources, the integrated Open RAN Studio solution delivers the most comprehensive cross domain, multi-channel RF / mmWave and O-RAN protocol measurements available in the industry, for both FR1 and FR2 radios, downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) paths.

Interested in a U5040BSCB?
Extend the capabilities for your Open RAN Studio for O-RAN Radio Unit (O-RU) Testing and Validation
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