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SW00PCIE PCI Express Validation License Suite
The PCI Express Validation License Suite is part of the subscription based Oscilloscope Compliance Test Software Suites. This suite covers Tx Validation licenses for PCIExpress with coverage across the PCI Express technology starting from Gen4. Together with the subscription model, this enables support and coverage continuity as the PCI Express technology progresses through generations.
Starting from
Compliance Test Software covered under the PCI Express Validation License Suite
- D9040PCIC - PCI Express Electrical Performance Validation and Compliance Software
- D9050PCIC - PCI Express Transmitter Electrical Performance Validation and Compliance Software
- Enables Transmitter Testing under the PCIe® 6.0 BASE specification at 64, 32, 16, 8, 5, and 2.5 GT/s
- PCIe 6.0 BASE TX measurements3 including SNDR4, RLM4, uncorrelated TJ, uncorrelated DJ, uncorrelated PWJ, pseudo package loss and other parameters defined in the PCI Express BASE specification
- Four-level noise compensation available for PAM-4 SNDR and Jitter measurements
- PCI 6.0 reference clock measurements as defined in the PCIe 6.0 BASE specification
- Supports both real-time data capture as well as off-line analysis of previously captured waveforms
- Test setup wizard for ease-of-use
- Pass/fail margin analysis,
- Support for both full-swing and low-power, half-swing devices
- Supported on UXR Series real time oscilloscopes having a minimum bandwidth of 50 GHz for PCIe 6.0 BASE measurements
- Enables Transmitter Testing under the PCIe® 6.0 BASE specification at 64, 32, 16, 8, 5, and 2.5 GT/s
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- Self-serve? Yes
- Experience duration: 30 days
Free Trials
SW00PCIE PCI Express Validation License Suite 30-Day Trial License
- Request a 30-day free trial of the license suite
- Enables the PCI Express Tx Validation applications from Gen 4 to the latest on your PC
- Evaluate full-featured versions with no functionality restrictions

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