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SR101EDUA Digital Learning Suite

Secure access to a complete digital learning experience
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Buy now and Save 75% on the Digital Learning Suite
For a limited time, save 75% off the Digital Learning Suite list price when you purchase it together with selected Keysight instruments.
Industry Ready Digital Learning Experiences Start Here
Keysight accelerates innovation with a digital learning software suite for educators and students to access industry-ready learning resources through a secure web interface. The digital learning platform controls engineering lab resources, and manages tools to visualize, compare, and analyze measurement data. The software reduces workflow processing time and increases lab resource utilization.
- Access thousands of on-demand industry-relevant learning resources from Keysight technical experts.
- Control your instruments and test units from an integrated web interface powered by the Keysight PathWave Test Automation test sequencer.
- Enable students to graphically chart tools to visualize, compare, analyze and share test results.
- Get complete lab project design validation and characterization up to 10 times faster than traditional in-lab methods.
- Increase lab equipment and software utilization up to 3 times compared to legacy physical-only lab environments.
- Access to a holistic end-to-end education journey from anywhere at any time via a secure single sign-on (SSO) web interface and seamless integration with the university's learning management system (LMS).
Experience the Power of Digital Learning Suite Yourself
Request a Live Demo
- Start in < 2 days
- Self-serve? No
- Experience duration: 30 mins
Request a Free Trial
- Start immediately
- Self-serve? Yes
- Experience duration: 180 days
Lab Remote Access, Management, and Courseware to Graduate More Industry-Ready Students

Lab Management
- Streamline and simplify lab management, saving you time to focus on teaching.
- Interact with students and facilitate real-time group collaboration to accomplish smart teaching and learning.
- Integrate with your learning management systems (LMS) such as Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, and many more.

Data Analysis Tools
- Get access to your instrument's soft front panel and perform the measurement remotely.
- Take a screenshot, plot measurement data to XY plot, perform math functions to XY plot, and more.
- Connect and link to instruments in-lab or local network.

Learning Resources
- Access to premium lab exercises and courseware.
- Use the single sign-on from your learning management system.
- Explore the new content that will be automatically uploaded regularly.
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