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S930321B Phase Noise Measurement up to 125 GHz
S930321B enables phase noise measurements using a PNA or PNA-X vector network analyzer
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Simplify 2-port Device Characterization
S930321B enables phase noise measurements using a PNA or PNA-X vector network analyzer. Simplify your measurement workflow by measuring phase noise on the same connection as your network analysis measurement of 2-port active devices up to 125 GHz, without needing to connect a spectrum analyzer or harmonic mixer.
- Enables phase noise measurements up to 125 GHz on the PNA or PNA-X for 1 or 2-port DUTs
- Measures phase noise, AM noise, residual noise, integrated noise, and spurious
- Offset frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz
- Requires DDS sources on PNA or PNA-X
Free Trials
- Get 30-day free trial license
- Enables software application on your PNA Series

Interested in a S930321B?
Extend the Capabilities of Your S930321B Phase Noise Measurement
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