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S8802A mmWave Base Station Fading Performance Toolset
S8802A mmWave Base Station Fading Performance Toolset is a fully integrated turn-key solution for optimizing, stress testing and benchmarking mmWave base stations.
Starting from
mmWaves provide plenty of new spectrum for mobile users. 5G NR mmWave deployments rely on full mobility support and 3D beamforming at new O-RAN and traditional base stations and mobile devices. RF propagation conditions at mmWaves are significantly more challenging than at Sub-6GHz due to high blocking.
Maximize 5G device performance for real-world operation at mmWaves with validated channel emulation.
S8802A mmWave Base Station Fading Performance Toolset:
- Accelerates 5G launches by enabling realistic end-to-end, RF-to-RF, full signaling stack validation of mobile networks and mobile devices in lab
- Offers a multi-probe end-to-end dual OTA test system that enables realistic multiple beam testing
- Enables vendor independent KPI testing in lab
Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs)
3GPP Release 17 paves the way for 5G non-terrestrial networks (NTNs). Integrating satellites and other aerial communication systems with terrestrial network infrastructure extends the range of 5G to remote areas. NTNs enable new and exciting use cases, including rural broadband, aircraft and high-speed train connectivity, network resilience, and global freight tracking. Explore Keysight’s comprehensive emulation and test solutions portfolio to accelerate NTN innovation.
Channel Studio

Extend your S8802A toolset with Keysight’s F9860000A Channel Studio. The industry-leading Channel Studio software enables you to create customer-specific channel models. Its dynamic modeling capabilities include dynamic mobile speed, multipath profile, range delay, and base station antenna correlation, including noise and inter-symbol interference caused by base station signals as well as distant propagation path reflections to the device.
Advanced radio channel modeling for:
- Real-time testing and performance evaluation of devices, radio systems, and transceivers with a channel emulator platform
- Wireless link and system level simulation software
Support for user-defined 3D spatial scenarios and dynamic modeling of movement for 5G testing:
- 3GPP 38.901 CDL FR1 and FR2 models
- UMi, UMa, O2I, and I2O
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