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M9195B PXIe Digital Stimulus-Response, 250 MHz, 16 Channels
Need flexible control of digital input/output or synchronized dynamic digital?
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The Keysight M9195B PXI digital stimulus/response (DSR) module is ideal for IC design validation and production test environments. The M9195B PXI DSR provides 16 bidirectional digital channels with programmable logic levels and is easily configurable for synchronized digital data, parametric measurements, or static digital IO.
The M9195B PXI DSR offers configuration flexibility, multisite capability, and per-channel programming, including per channel parametric measurements, programmable delay, and other time-saving features and software tools. The M9195B PXI DSR offers deep memory and creates flexible waveform timing sets using high-level driver commands. You can edit as few as one single bit in a pattern, apply up to one ns resolution edge placement, and move pattern edges without the need to recompile.
Select from a single site or multisite cables and a prototyping board and cable for fast connection and test development.
- Per-channel programmable stimulus/response compensation delay
- Real-time compare
- Multi-module synchronization for up to 12 modules (192 channels)
- External triggers and markers
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