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Get to Know the FieldFox Handheld Analyzer
All your RF and microwave testing needs in one portable unit

Never Sacrifice Capability or Portability
Field testing modern communications networks places new demands on your equipment and typically requires trade-offs between capabilities and portability. Keysight’s FieldFox handheld analyzers help you troubleshoot, monitor, and test network installations wherever and whenever. With over 22 measurement capabilities in one portable, battery-powered unit, FieldFox is the most capable handheld analyzer in the industry.
How Are You Using FieldFox?
Download resources based on your application needs.

RF & Microwave Component Testing
RF & Microwave Component Testing

Over-the-Air (OTA) Analysis
Over-the-Air (OTA) Analysis

Transmitter & Receiver Test
Transmitter & Receiver Testing

Interference & Spectrum Analysis
Interference & Spectrum Analysis

Cable & Antenna Testing
Cable, Antenna, & Connector Testing
Try FieldFox Software for Free
FieldFox is configurable as a handheld cable and antenna analyzer, network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, and more. Stay ahead of changing measurement requirements by upgrading your handheld analyzer in the field with convenient, user-installable license keys.

Option 010: Vector Network Analyzer Time Domain
- visualize error-corrected time domain reflection or transmission responses
- remove unwanted responses with gating
- view time and frequency domain data simultaneously
- transform the frequency domain to the time domain or vice versa

Option 378: Over-the-Air (OTA) 5G NR
- capture over-the-air 5G NR FR1 and FR2 signals
- demodulate downlink primary and secondary synchronization signals
- scan results of key performance indicators
- optimize Inter-RAT handovers for overlapping 5G and LTE networks

Option 233: Spectrum Analyzer
- analyze the spectrum with four traces and different detector types
- select radio standards and set limit lines
- perform channel power and field strength measurements including antenna factors
- record data and play it back later

Option 350: Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA)
- capture signals with 100 MHz of real-time bandwidth
- detect masked small and intermittent signals
- view the density spectrum, spectrogram, or real-time spectrum
- capture signals as short as 5.52 µs with 100% probability of intercept (POI)

Option 215: TDR Cable Measurements
- identify the location of faults along cable lines with time-domain reflectometry (TDR)
- characterize the nature of faults by analyzing changes in impedance
- measure distance-to-fault and TDR in one line sweep
- expose mismatch issues and poor connections
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