VEE Pro 9.33

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Keysight’s software products make you more productive, so you can focus on solving engineering problems, not on programming. Keysight VEE is a powerful intuitive graphical language environment that provides you the quick and easy path to measurement analysis.

Test and Measure Efficiently

Keysight VEE verifies instrument addresses and other parameters at runtime and allows users to change these parameters without reconfiguring programs. The software handles different data types automatically, providing automatic conversion and data handling capabilities with minimal complex programming.

Generate optimized codes with Keysight VEE’s compiler, and further enhance those codes with the built-in Profiler. The Profiler analyzes critical sections of code to save development time when fine-tuning the programs.

Keysight VEE Pro comes standard with a RunTime execution engine that provides the ability to distribute run- only Keysight VEE Pro applications at no additional cost. The users are allowed to redistribute the RunTime installer.

A Better User Experience

Designed for engineers and scientists who need to quickly create and automate measurements and tests, Keysight VEE comes with features that help users do their job faster and more effectively.

The Modern Integrated Development Environment with dockable tool windows gives users a more modern and streamlined programming experience, while numerous sample programs, demos and context- sensitive help provide support for beginner and veteran programmers alike.

Software and Hardware Compatibility

Keysight VEE interfaces with popular software and hardware tools, and provides easy, menu-driven control of database. Keysight VEE uses the .NET Framework and ActiveX to simplify common tasks, and supports industry standard instrument drivers, including IVI-COM and VXIplug&play. Users may also use SCPI or the .dll library supplied with many instruments.

Keysight VEE Pro supports all popular programming languages, including Visual Basic, C/C++, Visual C# and all.NET compliant languages.

Keysight VEE Pro supports various instruments and data acquisition devices, and works with surface- mount machines, robots and other manufacturing equipment via the .NET Framework or supplied ActiveX libraries.

Keysight VEE Pro can communicate with any instrument from any vendor using GPIB, LAN, USB, RS-232, VXI and LXI, and controls most standard instruments’ plug-in cards with an instrument driver, a vendor-supplied DLL or with Keysight VEE Pro’s direct IO capability.

Powerful Features for Increased Productivity

MATLAB Script and the MathWorks Signal Processing Toolbox are embedded in Keysight VEE Pro at no additional cost, and come with 1800 MATLAB functions, more than 1000 of the most popular MATLAB analysis and visualization functions preprogrammed as one-click objects.

Built-in MATLAB functions include:

  • Numeric computation
  • Engineering and scientific graphics (2D, 3D, waterfall, bar, pie)
  • Signal processing
  • Arrays and matrix math

Evaluate Keysight VEE Pro

Test a trial version of Keysight VEE Pro and see its benefits for yourself. Download a free, fully functional 30-day evaluation copy.

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A Complete Solution

There is no need to buy expensive add ons to get the full set of Keysight functionality. Keysight VEE includes all the capabilities and support you need to be successful, including:

  • Built-in MATLAB Script and Signal Processing Toolbox
  • Menu-driven control of Excel and databases
  • Unlimited RunTime distribution of your Keysight VEE Pro applications
  • Localized documentation