AE6000L Automotive Ethernet Channel Testing Solution

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Automotive Ethernet Conformance Test Software for Cables, Connectors and Harnesses

AE6900L is now AE6000L the functionality is the same, with just a different top level model number.
Next-generation ADAS systems require camera and radar systems with high resolution, which require increased speed and bandwidth. The automotive Ethernet standard enables faster data communication to meet the demands of today’s vehicles and the connected vehicles of the future. However, the channel or link in a system can create a point of failure and as such must be fully tested.

Keysight’s automotive Ethernet conformance channel test solution verifies that information is carried, without loss or cross talk, to its intended destination.

The solution ensures signal quality requirements with conformance testing for the channel, including harness, cables or connectors. The solution is built on functional and multipurpose hardware that can be fully utilized for other tasks and tests when not actively used for automotive Ethernet channel tests.

The AE6000L solution provides a bundle of hardware, software and accessories to help you understand the integrity of your automotive Ethernet channel.

Standards supported

  • Channel testing per OPEN Alliance (1000BASE-T1) - TC9 UTP and STP specifications
  • OPEN Alliance 100BASE-T1 Definitions for communications channel
  • IEEE 802.3bw, 802.3bp and 802.3ch

Key capabilities

  • Cable, harness and connector testing for automotive Ethernet channels
  • Bundles all relevant hardware, software and accessories into one model number
  • Software creates a test plan and automatically sets up the network analyzer for each measurement, applies the limit lines
  • Accurate and repeatable results with any of three different form factors of Keysight world class vector network analyzers

Ordering information

  • The solution runs on a VNA with option TDR, choose benchtop (E5080B), PXI (M980xA series) or USB (P5000A Series). See configuration guidelines available in the datasheet.
  • The software requires Keysight PathWave Test Automation software.

24포트 VNA 자동차 이더넷 케이블 측정

VNA(벡터 네트워크 분석기)는 채널이 신호에 미치는 영향을 특성화하여 송신기와 수신기 간에 신호 무결성이 유지되도록 합니다. 혹독한 자동차 환경에서 사용되는 케이블 길이를 고려할 때 임피던스와 주파수를 비교하여 채널이 차량 내에서 어떻게 작동할지 예측하는 것이 중요합니다.  이 데모에서는 자동차 이더넷 케이블, 커넥터, 스위치 또는 하네스에 대한 키사이트의 다중 채널 측정 솔루션을 살펴봅니다.

특집 리소스: AE6900L 자동차 이더넷 채널 테스트 솔루션

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