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M8020AJ-BERT High-performance BERT, Configuration for Bench-Top 5-Slot Chassis 
M8041A-G08Pattern Generator one Channel, Data Rate up to 8.5 Gb/s 
M8041A-G16Pattern Generator one Channel, Data Rate up to 16 Gb/s 
M8041A-C08BERT one Channel, Data Rate up to 8.5 Gb/s 
M8041A-C16BERT one Channel, Data Rate up to 16 Gb/s 
M8041A-0S3Interactive Link Training for USB 3.2, 5G and 10G, x1 and x2, Clockgroup-wide License 
M8041A-0S4Interactive Link Training for PCI Express 8GT/s and 16GT/s, Clockgroup-wide License 
M8041A-0S6SAS-3 Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License 
M8041A-0SX10GBASE-KR Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License 
M8041A-0G2Second Channel for Pattern Generator, License 
M8041A-0A2Second Channel for Analyzer, License 
M8041A-0G3Advanced Jitter Sources for Receiver Characterization, Module-wide License 
M8041A-0G4Multi-tap De-emphasis, Module-wide License 
M8041A-0G6Reference Clock Input with Multiplying PLL, Clockgroup-wide License 
M8041A-0G7Advanced Interference Sources for Receiver Characterization, Module-wide License 
M8041A-0S1Interactive Link Training for PCI Express, 8GT/s, Clockgroup-wide License 
M8041A-0S2SER/FER Analysis for Coded and Retimed Loopback, Clockgroup-wide License 
M8041A-0A3Analyzer Equalization, Module-wide License 
M8041A-0G5Adjustable Intersymbol Interference (ISI) , Module-wide License 
M8062A-G3232Gb/s Pattern Generator Front End 
M8062A-C3232 Gb/s BERT Front End 
M8062A-0A3Analyzer Equalization License 
M8062A-0A4Clock Recovery License 
M8062A-0G4Multi-tap De-emphasis License 
M8062A-0G5Adjustable Intersymbol Interference (ISI) License 
M8062A-0S6SAS-3/-4 Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License 
M8062A-0SC100GBASE-KR4 and 25GBASE-KR Transmitter Equalization Training, Module-wide License 
M8020A-BU2Bundle consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis with USB option 
M8020A-BU3Bundle consisting of one M9505A 5-slot AXIe Chassis and one M9537A AXIe Embedded PC Controller with 16GB RAM and Windows 10 Option 
M8041A-8012.92 mm Matched Cable Pair for M8000 Series 
M8051A-801Clock Distribution Cable for M8051A and M8046A 
M8048A-001Four Short ISI Channels 8 to 13 inches 
M8048A-002Four Long ISI Channels 14 to 34 inches 
M9048BPCIe Host Adapter: Single Port (x8), Gen 3 

서비스 및 소프트웨어 라이선스 워런티, 교정 및 서비스

자세히 알아보기: 구성 가이드 보기

이 제품에 KeysightCare를 이용할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용

R-C7A-001-1-DHardware Support Plan - 1 year 
R-C7A-001-3-DHardware Support Plan - 3 years 
R-C7A-011-3-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 3 years 
R-C7A-010-3-DHardware Support Plan with RTK Operational Verification - 3 years 
R-C7A-020-3-DHardware Support Plan with On-Site Operational Verification - 3 years 
R-C7A-011-5-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 5 years 
R-C7A-017-5-DHardware Support Plan with Accredited Calibration - 5 years 
R-C7A-010-5-DHardware Support Plan with RTK Operational Verification - 5 years 
R-C7A-020-5-DHardware Support Plan with On-Site Operational Verification - 5 years 
R-47F-001-1-DHardware Support Plan - 1 year 
R-47F-011-3-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 3 years 
R-47F-017-3-DHardware Support Plan with Accredited Calibration - 3 years 
R-47F-010-3-DHardware Support Plan with Operational Verification - 3 years 
R-47F-011-5-DHardware Support Plan with Keysight Calibration - 5 years 
R-47F-017-5-DHardware Support Plan with Accredited Calibration - 5 years 
R-47F-010-5-DHardware Support Plan with Operational Verification - 5 years 
R-51B-001-CReturn to Keysight Warranty - 1 year. 
PS-S10Remote scheduled productivity assistance hours 
PS-S20Startup assistance, daily 
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