34420A Nanovolt/Micro-Ohm Meter

데이터 시트

RoHS compliant

(Serial Number MY61000101 & SG61000101 onwards)

Nanovolt Performance at a Microvolt Price

The Keysight Technologies 34420A nanovolt/micro-Ohm meter is a high[1]sensitivity multimeter optimized for performing low-level measurements. It combines low-noise voltage measurements with resistance and temperature functions, setting a new standard in low-level flexibility and performance.


Take the Uncertainty Out of Your Low-Level Measurements

Low-noise input amplifiers and a highly tuned input protection scheme bring reading noise down to 8 nVpp. Combine this with 71/2 digits of resolution, selectable analog and digital filtering, 2 ppm basic 24-hour dcV accuracy, and a shielded, copper pin connector and you’ve got accurate, repeatable measurements you can count on.


Two Input Channels

An integral two-channel programmable scanner simplifies voltage comparisons. Built-in ratio and difference functions enable automated two channel measurements without the need for an external nanoVolt scanner. Both channels share the same low noise specifications to ensure accurate comparisons.


Built-in Resistance and Temperature

The 34420A combines its low-noise nano-Volt input circuits with a high-stability current source to provide precise low-level resistance measurements – no more hassling with the cost and complexity of an external current source. Three resistance modes are included:

  • Standard
  • Low-power
  • Voltage-limited for dry-circuit testing


Offset compensation is also provided to minimize thermal EMFs and associated errors.



  • 7½ digit resolution
  • 100 pV, 100 nΩ sensitivity
  • 1.3 nVrms, 8 nVpp
    noise performance
  • Built-in low noise 2
    channel scanner
  • Direct SPRT, RTD,


Thermistor, and Thermocouple


SPRT Measurements

Built-in ITS-90 conversion routines accept the calibration coefficients from your SPRT probe for direct temperature measurement and conversion. Thermocouples, thermistors, and RTDs are also supported.


Unequaled Versatility

The 34420A gives you the versatility to tackle your most challenging tasks, both on the benchtop and in your automated system. Standard features include RS-232 and GPIB interfaces, SCPI and Keithley 181 programming language, 1024-reading memory, scaling and statistics, and a chart recorder analog output.


Quality You Can Count On

The 34420A gives you the quality and reliability you expect from Keysight Technologies. From the Keysight proven > 150,000 hour Mean Time Between Failure, to its standard 1-year warranty, Keysight stands behind you to bring a new level of confidence to your low-level measurements.


BenchVue Software (now included)

Data capture simplified. Click. Capture. Done.

BenchVue software for the PC makes it simple to connect, control, capture and view Keysight’s DMMs simultaneously with other Keysight bench instruments with no additional programming.

  • Visualize multiple measurements simultaneously
  • Easily log data, screen shots and system state
  • Rapidly prototype custom test sequences
  • Recall past state of your bench to replicate results
  • Export measurement data in desired format fast
  • Quickly access manuals, drivers, FAQs and videos
  • Monitor and control bench from mobile devices


The Digital Multimeter App within BenchVue enables control of digital multimeters to visualize measurements, perform unrestricted data logging and statistical analysis.


Benefit from a new perspective by visualizing multiple DMM’s at the same time

Display single measurements, charts, tables, or histograms from a single instrument or multiple DMMs simultaneously to correlate trends you might otherwise miss.


Record measurements and export results in a few clicks

Log and export data quickly to popular tools such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and MATLAB for documentation or further analysis


Measurement Characteristics

DC voltage Measurement method Continuously integrating multi-slope III A-D Converter A-D linearity 0.00008% of reading + 0.00005% of range Input resistance 100 V (Ch1 only): 10 MΩ ± 1% 1 mV through 10 V: > 10 GΩ, in parallel with < 3.6 nF Input bias current < 50 pA at 25 °C Injected current < 50 nA pp at 50 or 60 Hz Input protection 150 V peak any input terminal to Channel 1 LO, continuous Channel-to-channel switching error (typical): 3 nV Channel isolation Isolation between input channels > 1010 Ω Earth isolation 350 V peak any input terminal to earth Impedance from any input terminal to earth is > 10 GΩ and < 400 pF Maximum voltage Channel 1 LO to Channel 2 LO, 150 V peak Resistance Measurement method Selectable 4-wire or 2-wire ohms Current source referenced to Channel 1 LO input Offset compensation Used on all ranges except 100 kΩ and 1 MΩ Can be turned off if desired Protection 150 V peak Open circuit voltage For resistance and low power resistance < 14 V. 20 mV, 100 mV, 500 mV selectable clamp Temperature SPRT ITS-90 calibrated temperature with the range of –190 °C to +660 °C Thermocouple Type B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T | Range: -210° C to 1820° C Thermistor 5 kΩ | Range: -80° C to 150° C RTD 4-wire, 4.9 W to 2.1 kW types: a = .00385 (DIN/IEC 751) and a = .00391 Range: -200° C to 850° C Measurement noise rejection 60 (50) Hz 1 dc CMRR 140 dB ac CMRR 70 dB