Noise Figure Measurement Application

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Noise Figure Measurement Application

Noise figure is one of the fundamental parameters that differentiates one system, amplifier, or transistor from another. To minimize the problems resulting from noise generated in receiver systems, engineers can either make a weak signal stronger, or reduce the noise of that system or its individual components. The Keysight Technologies, Inc. N9069EM0E noise figure measurement application offers development engineers a simple tool to make accurate and repeatable noise figure measurements. The speed of this application also allows manufacturing engineers to rapidly measure any one of the following in their test racks:


  • Noise figure/factor
  • Gain
  • Effective temperature
  • Y-factor
  • Hot/cold power density


The noise figure application utilizes the Y-factor method for calculating noise figure. By using a noise source, an X-Series signal analyzer can quickly determine the noise of the device under test. This method is very simple, as it utilizes a ratio of two noise power levels: one measured with the noise source ON and the other with the noise source OFF.